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Lower Lliw Reservoir - South Wales Fishing Society - Fishing in Wales
lower lliw reservoir fishing

Lower Lliw Reservoir – South Wales Fishing Society

South Wales Fishing Society has a new lease on Lower Lliw reservoir.

Lower Lliw Reservoir is a 20 acre reservoir a few miles north of Swansea. The club have just taken over the venue. It will be run predominantly as a trout venue as they are only allowed to stock trout.

A catch and keep ticket (3 trout) is £20. There is also a pleasure ticket, catch and release £12.

The venue also holds natural brown trout, perch, pike and carp.

The club will set up a regular stocking program which will include rainbows, blues and tiger trout, with 500 brown trout being stocked initially.

Lower Lliw Reservoir - South Wales Fishing Society


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