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Llanthomas Fishery River Wye - Fishing in Wales
llanthomas fishery river wye

Llanthomas Fishery River Wye

The Llanthomas river Wye fishery is approximately 1,000m (1,094 yds) of double bank fishing giving anglers the peace of mind that nobody else has the right to fish this stretch from the other bank. The fishery historically was renowned as an early spring salmon fishery.

Currently however salmon are more regularly caught later in the season with trout, chub, barbel, grayling, pike, perch and dace being caught either in the summer and or autumn or all year round.

For many years it was one of the premiere beats for salmon anglers and can still be enjoyed as such now. The trout and grayling fishing is superb.

The coarse fishing potential of the stretch is virtually unexplored though we have already determined that chub run to very good size, as do the barbel – and the big pike potential is obvious. There are some interesting discoveries ahead!

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Llanthomas Fishery River Wye

Address Llanthomas Fishery
A483, Llowes, Powis

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