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Fairbourne - Fishing in Wales


Fairbourne is a small seaside village on the opposite side of the estuary to Barmouth on the same North Wales coastline. The best area to fish the beach is from the car park. As you drive into Fairbourne, the steam railway line is on the left. Drive past the station and the road bends to the right. At this point, turn left on to a single track road and follow that track for about 1/2 mile with the sea being on your right. You will see a car park.

The whole area is a steep shingle beach running onto sand. Best results from here is when fishing from low water up. There are some deep channels that can be reached at low tide. Bass appear on the first of the flood in less than 1 foot of water. I have caught bass on crab, frozen sand eel and worm. As the tide continues to flood, try to avoid using fish baits or you will be catching dogfish – one after the other! Turbot also show here, and the best method being sand eel bait on a flowing trace. Fairbourne has good public toilets for hand washing facilities etc.

At the south end of the beach is Friog Cliffs, which mark fishes at its best in autumn and winter. Fish caught here include bass, whiting, dabs, flounders, rays, dogfish. Another option is available. Having passed the railway station, instead of turning left where the road bends to the right, follow the road to the right and continue past the golf course to its end at a turn-around. Park carefully here. This is Penrhyn Point, which is shingle backed sand. It can be fished from either side and is deeper on the left, looking north.



Species at this location

Coalfish (colefish)

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