Trisopterus luscus
Pouting are another relative of the cod and are very small. They typically range from 8oz to 1lb.
Pouting are common on many Welsh marks. They are sometimes considered a bit of a pest, but they have saved many blanks! If you get one big enough, pouting are very good to eat.

New Trout Season - Check List To Fish!
As the long winter months finally give way to spring, excitement builds for trout anglers across Wales. The long-anticipated 3rd…
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Winter Tackle Maintenance - Prep your saltwater lures, rods and reels for the year ahead!
Mid winter, the most challenging time of the year for sea anglers. With short days and long nights and weather…
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All-Wales code of conduct for bait collection
In this blog Natural Resources Wales’ Specialist Officer for Intertidal Management Dewi Evans explains the all-Wales Code of Conduct for…
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