New NRW Bylaws Announced for Severn, Wye & Usk

Natural Resources Wales are introducing new bylaws to help protect salmon and sea trout on the River Severn, River Wye and the River Usk in Wales, in response to the decline in migratory fish stocks.

The new byelaws come into force on 1 March, 2022, and will be in place for the next 10 years. The byelaws will improve the chances of salmon and sea trout surviving to reach their spawning streams, helping the recovery and the long-term sustainability of these iconic species.

New River Severn Bylaws

The new River Severn byelaws require:

-The mandatory release of all salmon and sea trout caught by rod and line,
Restrictions to angling methods in order to improve the handling and survival of released salmon, including:

– Ban on all bait fishing for salmon and sea trout
– The mandatory use of barbless hooks
– Restrictions on hook type, size, and their number (Full details here)

River Wye and Usk Bylaws

In addition to the Severn byelaws, NRW is introducing new byelaws to protect salmon and sea trout on the River Usk and the River Wye in Wales.

The Wye and Usk byelaws require:

River Wye

– Mandatory catch and release of all salmon and sea trout
– Revised end date for the salmon season so that it runs from 3 March to 17 October for the whole river and tributaries

River Usk

– Mandatory catch and release fishing of all salmon
– Mandatory catch and release of all sea trout caught before 1 May

The byelaws will be in place until 2029, to coincide with the end of the ‘All Wales’ and ‘Cross Border Rivers’ byelaws.

These rules are in addition to the existing fishing regulation on the Wye and Usk, regarding barbless hooks, hook type number and bait/spinning restrictions. More information on bylaws here.

Source: NRW Website



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