Llyn Trawsfynydd Monster Pike

Tom O’Connor, Is a self employed professional plasterer and incurable pike angler of Abergele,  North Wales has been fishing lakes and rivers as far as Scotland in pursuit of the fabled Esox and finally achieved his dreams after three years.

Llyn Trawsfynydd,  the North Wales Reservoir he has fished over the last three years where he has taken many double figure pike was to be the scene of his greatest ambition to take a fish over 30lb and it was on a luck inspired Sunday the 13th November became his Lucky Day.

Tom was fishing a Popped up  Herring deadbait which was surprisingly  taken within 10 minutes of setting up by what is by anyone’s standards a personal best and a fish of a lifetime and a veritable specimen.

The fight was  a lengthy event and no quarter given until 10 minutes later the fish hit the net and the obvious dawned that this was a fish of Leviathan proportions and when it was unhooked, the scales told the truth of the matter and bounced them to 35lb 4ozs.

Tom went on to catch a further 3 more fish of 11lb 5oz on popped up herring, 14lb 4 oz on a smelt and 16lb-2oz also on herring 

Tom’s fishing partner Adam Davies of Denbigh fishing the first time for pike on his debut day took his only fish and PB of a nice well marked double of 17lb -6oz on a herring deadbait.

For a day taken at the last chance, it was excellent and most  memorable sport all round from Trawsfynydd which is slowly climbing through the ranks as the Regions prime fishery and will no doubt continue to provide prime Welsh fish for those prepared to make the journey to North West Wales.

Anglers must note that Fishing for Pike ends on the 20th of December.  

Report by Keith Williams

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