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Small eye ray - Fishing in Wales
Small Eye Ray

Small eye ray

Small eye ray

Raja microcellatus

A common Ray in the Bristol channel, small eyes can grow over 15lb but most run between 3lb and 10lb. The south Wales coast has a long-standing reputation for producing large small eye, with marks such as Monk Nash producing good fish.

With their flattened bodies and long whip like tail there is no mistaking a ray. There are several species of rays found around the Welsh coast, but here we focus on the species of most interest to the angler.  

They are a powerful fish – even a small one will put a bend in the rod. Rays tend to arrive in Welsh waters in spring, with the best fishing in the summer/early autumn. Some species grow in excess of 20lb. Rays generally like clean, sandy ground where they hunt for crustaceans and molluscs buried in the sand. For bait rays take mackerel, squid, peeler crab well. 



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